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As the funding for the Healthy Neighbourhood Programme is currently suspended, DRAG along with Drakefell United (DU) and Gellatly Road Improvement Plan (GRIP) have been working on options to reduce through traffic on our street in a way that reduces through traffic across all of our neighbourhood.

DRAG is working with other groups across Telegraph Hill ward looking at how we could develop proposals for a Low Traffic Neighbourhood, which are currently being introduced across London and is currently the only way to access funding to improve our streets. This plan would form a key component of a wider plan to be co-designed with the community.

DRAG’S new proposals

The key points are:

  1. To prevent eastbound through-traffic rat-running across Telegraph Hill by placing a filter at the junction of Lausanne Road/Evelina Road and Gellatly Road – this means that you would still be able to exit Gellatly Road onto either Lausanne Road or Evelina Road from Drakefell, Arbuthnot and Kitto Roads
  2. This proposal is NOT suggesting a one-way system; while the normal flow of traffic would remain from Brockley, vehicles would be able to travel in both directions on Drakefell and Gellatly Roads.
  3. To install modal filters (No access except for people walking and cycling) on Dennetts Road and Drakefell Road to stop rat-running through-traffic
  4. To create a pinch-point on Avignon Road railway bridge (similar to Pepys Road), to allow all vehicles except HGVs and articulated lorries crossing this weak bridge.

This plan would reduce traffic rat-running across the hill by around half by putting west to east traffic back on the A-roads, where it should go. While not perfect, the proposal are a first step which would improve Drakefell and Gellatly Roads as follows:Reduce the blight from excessive traffic which is not appropriate for our residential streets and reduce harmful pollution and noise

    • Create the space for pavements, to be freed up, to allow room buggies and wheelchairs and to maintain social distancing space for people walking should there be further waves of Coronavirus
    • Remove HGVs that are using the hill as a rat-run
    • Enable space for safe cycling

These proposals are being considered alongside other proposals which could create a Low Traffic Neighbourhood across Telegraph Hill and have been presented to local councillors for discussion. They are NOT definitive and are a WORK IN PROGRESS, but they do seek to prevent more traffic being directed to Drakefell and Gellatly Roads, while trying to offer a pragmatic solution to increased traffic and in no way seek to redirect traffic to anywhere other than A Roads.

202008 Plan Map 1537x867